You are applying for a job at Ceratizit-Mi and you don’t know what to expect from the hiring process. Below you can read about the application, interviews, and assessment tests. Learn about how to improve your chances of getting hired by Ceratizit-Mi today.

How to Apply

The first step in your journey toward a new job at Ceratizit-Mi is very straightforward—sending in an application. Be sure to review your résumé and cover letter to make sure that you include the same keywords that are listed in the job’s description, and fix any spelling mistakes.


It is not an easy feat to land an interview at Ceratizit-Mi. At the interview, be ready to address parts of your background that might be considered as negative, i.e., low GPA, no extracurricular activities, or little related experience. Make sure you arrive to the interview on time and with the appropriate documents in hand.

Online Screening Exam

If you are asked to take a pre-employment test, don’t panic. These evaluations are merely a way for employers to determine if you have the necessary skills to succeed in the job for which you are applying. You can pass these tests with ease if you take the time to prepare.

  • What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?
  • Do you have any advice for someone interested in this field/job?
  • What are three positive character traits you don’t have?
  • If you were interviewing someone for this job, what traits would you look for?
  • When were you most satisfied in your job?

List of possible jobs

Here is a list of positions featured at Ceratizit-Mi:

Executive Assistant Project Manager Administrative Assistant
Merchandiser Business Analyst Engineer

[Business]’s Hiring Assessments

Ceratizit-Mi might give candidates one of the following tests:

Correctional Tests Entry-Level Tests Personality/Job Fit
Supplements Police Technician Promotional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 11350 Stephens Rd

City: Warren

State: MI

Postal Code: 48089

Phone Number: 5867592280


Industry: Wholesale Trade

Sub-industry: Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods

SIC Code: 5085