Recruiters sort through hundreds of applications for each open position. If you want to get hired, you need to excel at every stage of the hiring process. Read about the steps involved in the hiring process below, and learn about how to improve your chances of getting hired by County of Marengo.

Apply for the Job

It can be difficult to get your résumé noticed when so many candidates are applying for the same position. Give yourself the best chance of success by crafting a concise, neat résumé that highlights your achievements.


In today’s world, most employers have candidates go through several interviews before making a decision about who to hire. County of Marengo is no different. Before hiring a candidate, County of Marengo usually requires them to pass several rounds in interviews, which may include phone interviews, in-person interviews, panel interviews, HR interviews, and technical interviews.

Online assessments

Online assessments test for abilities that don’t come across in interviews. They are helpful for both employers and candidates as they allow for the matching of skills with relevant jobs.

Passing Your Interview at County of Marengo

You may participate in multiple interviews as part of the process. Here are a few of the most common:

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Rehearse your answers alone, with a friend, or with a career counselor in a practice interview. Allow enough time to improve based on feedback.

Stay Focused

Don’t allow your answers to go off on too many tangents. Focus on your positive traits.

Possible jobs

These positions are often open at County of Marengo:

Park Ranger Legislative Analyst Investigative Analyst
Accounting Pharmacist Crime Analyst

Popular Pre-Employment Tests Used by County of Marengo

County of Marengo can give an applicant any of the following tests:

Microsoft Word Correctional Tests Personality/Job Fit
Specialized Item Sets Dispatcher Promotional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: P.O. BOX 480668

City: Linden

State: AL

Postal Code: 36748

Phone Number: 3342952205


Industry: Public Administration

Sub-industry: Legislative, Executive and General Government other than Finance

SIC Code: 9111