Start your journey to a new position at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive today. We can help you learn about Edward R Roybal Comprehensive’s rigorous hiring processes, which may include multiple interviews and pre-employment evaluations. Start getting ready for your new job at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive today.

Job Application Basics

In this era of online job board sites, it is easier than ever to apply for multiple jobs at once. Don’t make the mistake of copying and pasting your cover letter and résumé for each job. Not only may you make the embarrassing mistake of including the wrong company name, every job has different requirements. Even if two jobs are quite similar, you will want to include only the keywords that are listed in each job description in your application and résumé. You will also want to write a professional summary at the top of your résumé that shows why you are supremely qualified for the position you are applying for at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive.


You will probably face multiple interviews at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive. Make sure you come prepared for each of these interviews. Focus on displaying responsibility and showing that you have keen problem solving skills. Come prepared with concrete ezamples for each of your strenghts.

Online Hiring Screeners

Tests can be intimidating as they could make or break your application. No matter what test you have to take, be sure to practice before hand so you don’t miss out on the job.

Inside Tips for Your Next Edward R Roybal Comprehensive Interview

These tips will help you ace the hiring process at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive.


Make a good first impression.

Assess Yourself and Develop Career Objectives

Emphasize your transferable skills, as well as your goals. Connect these with the needs of the organization to which you are applying.

Most Popular Positions at Edward R Roybal Comprehensive

Here is a list of potential positions you can apply to:

Receptionists Accounting Financial Analyst
Consultant General Office Clerks Executive Assistant

Popular Pre-Hiring Assessments

You might need to complete one of the following pre-employment tests.

Microsoft Access Microsoft Word Journey Legal Processing Clerk
Executive Assistant Administrative Assistant Excel

Company Details

Company Address: 245 S Fetterly Ave

City: Los Angeles

State: CA

Postal Code: 90022

Phone Number: 3237802373


Industry: Public Administration

Sub-industry: Administration of Human Resource Programs

SIC Code: 9431