With the advent of online applications, landing a job has become increasingly harder. There are hundreds of applicants for each position. What does this mean for you as a candidate? You need to ensure that you go into the interview prepared. Read on to learn about the hiring process at Florida Envelope Co.

Writing a Good Application for Florida Envelope Co

The opportunities are endless for a career at Florida Envelope Co. Get started on your way to a new job by applying today. You will need to fill in an online application, indicate your availability, and submit a cover letter and résumé. Make a case for yourself by showing how you closely match the skills listed in the job description. Write a good professional summary at the top of your résumé—this is an effective way to draw attention to your qualifications.


After the application process is completed if you pass the HR selection you will be called in for an interview. At the interview it is a promising sign if you are interviewed by HR and a manager. Make sure you arrive on time with all necessary documents in hand.

Pre-Employment Assessments

You should prepare for these tests so that you will be able to complete them accurately within the time limit. Many Envelopes employers use personality tests to determine if candidates will be a good fit. Some businesses have their own in-house evaluations which are used for a variety of positions.


  • Establishing standards and processes which enhance quality
  • Dependability
  • Interpersonal


  • Organization
  • Uncompromising
  • Bad sense of humor (dour)

Most Popular Positions at Florida Envelope Co

What positions can I apply to at Florida Envelope Co?

Executive Assistant Project Manager Administrative Assistant
Merchandiser Business Analyst Engineer

Florida Envelope Co’s Most Popular Assessment Tests

As part of Florida Envelope Co’s hiring process, candidates often complete one or more of the following assessments:

Police Technician Dispatcher Specialized Item Sets
Personality/Job Fit Entry-Level Tests Promotional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 301 Arthur Ct

City: Bensenville

State: IL

Postal Code: 60106

Phone Number: 6306168662

Website: www.victorenvelope.com

Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Allied and Paper Products

SIC Code: 2677