Looking for a new job at Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co? We’re here to help. Here you can find everything that you need to know about Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co’s recruitment practices, including the application, interviews, and assessments that are all part of the hiring process.

Apply for the Job

Here we outline some of our cover letter writing and résumé format advice. Include a professional summary—a brief description of who you are and skills and experience you bring to the table. Your résumé should include all of your relevant experience, and it should be tailored to the specific job at Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co for which you are applying. Include any relevant keywords that you can find in the job description or on Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co’s website to show why you’re right for the job.


Excelling on the interview can be what makes you standout from the other candidates applying for the same position at Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co. Often HR has narrowed down their decision between two candidates, and one is chosen over the other because of their interview performance.

Online Screening Exam

Companies who require candidates to take assessments are looking to hire applicants who can demonstrate the required skills, be they verbal, numerical, logical, or mechanical skills.


  • Tact and diplomacy
  • Organizing successful events
  • People skills


  • Work too many hours
  • Lack of certain experience (if it is obvious from your resume)
  • Too detail oriented

These Are Popular Jobs at Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co

These are the most common jobs at Kentucky Derby Hosiery Co.

Financial Analyst R&D Accounting
Business Partner Human Resources Administrator Administrative Assistant

List of Hiring Assessments

Candidates often must take one of the following pre-employment tests:

Correctional Tests Specialized Item Sets Supplements
Entry-Level Tests Police Technician Assessment Tools

Company Details

Company Address: PO Box 550

City: Mt Airy

State: NC

Postal Code: 27030

Phone Number: 3367895166


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Textile Mill Products

SIC Code: 2252