Do you know your chances of getting hired at Mental Health and Addiction? Learn about Mental Health and Addiction’s hiring process, which involves an online application, interviews, and assessment tests. We have tips and tricks to help you with each stage of the hiring process.

Submit Your Application

Are you a veteran applying for a civilian job? Many terms that you may have included in your résumé may seem like gibberish to someone with no military experience. Ask a friend who hasn’t served to go over your résumé or submit your résumé to a professional résumé service. Military service can be impressive, but only if the recruiter knows what you are talking about.


When going in to your interview at Mental Health and Addiction, ensure that you arrive on time with a copy of your résumé and cover letter in hand. Be prepared to answer questions about your past experiences and strengths and weaknesses. If you are offered a drink, accept it, as this creates rapport between you and the person interviewing you.

Psychometric Test

Mental Health and Addiction wants to hire the best candidates. One way to do this is to measure candidates’ abilities and skills in order to check if candidates will be able to succeed.

  • Discuss your resume.
  • What are three positive character traits you don’t have?
  • Can you explain this gap in your employment history?
  • What is the employment outlook like in your career field
  • What are the qualities of a good leader or bad leader?

Positions at Mental Health and Addiction

Take a look at some of the hottest positions at Mental Health and Addiction

Accounting Material Recording Clerks Information Clerks
Executive Assistant Financial Analyst Consultant

Popular Psychometric Tests

Candidates often must take one of the following pre-employment tests:

MS PowerPoint Personality/Job Fit Data Entry Clerk
Entry-Level Clerical Executive Assistant Cashier

Company Details

Company Address: P.O. BOX 341431

City: Hartford

State: CT

Postal Code: 06134

Phone Number: 8604187000


Industry: Public Administration

Sub-industry: Administration of Human Resource Programs

SIC Code: 9431