Need interview help? Learn all about the hiring process at Pacific Lumber Company and read our top tips for acing that difficult interview. We have ideas for how to answer even the trickiest questions. Don’t miss out on your chance to get hired at Pacific Lumber Company.

Submit Your Job Application

You’re looking for a new job online and you find a dream job at Pacific Lumber Company. What’s next? You need to persuade recruiters to consider you for the job by sending them a killer cover letter and résumé. Be sure to carefully read the job description to understand what they are looking for and emphasize all of the right qualifications and skills in your application. It helps to include keywords listed in the job description as well.


If you land an interview at Pacific Lumber Company make sure you come prepared. Expect to face questions about yourself, such as your grade point average, your major, the number of years you worked at your last job.

Online assessments

These are the most common types of aptitude test that you will encounter: personality tests, situational judgment tests, numerical reasoning tests, verbal tests, and logical reasoning tests.

How to Succeed on Your Pacific Lumber Company interview

Learn how to excel on your Pacific Lumber Company interview with these tips.

Examine the Hierarchy 

Note where the position you are applying for falls within the organization.

You Can Always Hit Reset

Don’t get flustered if you mess up on a question. Take a deep breath and reset.

Popular Positions at Pacific Lumber Company

Below you can find a list of the most popular positions at Pacific Lumber Company.

UX Designer Executive Assistant Financial Analyst
Customer Service Business Partner Product Manager

List of Hiring Assessments

Pacific Lumber Company frequently requires candidates to take one or more of the following tests:

Supplements Promotional Tests Police Technician
Specialized Item Sets Dispatcher Entry-Level Tests

Company Details

Company Address: P.O. BOX 37

City: Scotia

State: CA

Postal Code: 95565

Phone Number: 7077642222


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Wood and Lumber Products other than Furniture

SIC Code: 2421