Do you want to make a good impression on Precision Twist Drill Co’s hiring managers? Use our tips to craft a great application and perform well in interviews and assessments. Read about Precision Twist Drill Co’s hiring process and get hired.

Apply for the Job

Here we outline some of our cover letter writing and résumé format advice. Include a professional summary—a brief description of who you are and skills and experience you bring to the table. Your résumé should include all of your relevant experience, and it should be tailored to the specific job at Precision Twist Drill Co for which you are applying. Include any relevant keywords that you can find in the job description or on Precision Twist Drill Co’s website to show why you’re right for the job.


It may take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months to hear whether you got an interview at Precision Twist Drill Co. Each open position has hundreds of applicants. If you do receive an interview, make sure you do your research in advance.

Online Assessment

Once you submit your application to Precision Twist Drill Co you will likely encounter some sort of assessment. Employers are using testing as a concrete metric to ensure that they are finding employees that are well fitted to the open position. It is important to find out if you are expected to take one of these exams and to prepare in advance.

Top Tips on How to Succeed on Your Precision Twist Drill Co Interview

We have prepared a list of our top tips to help you ace your Precision Twist Drill Co interview.

Think Strategically

Consider your career and where you want to end up, and think about how this job will help you get there.

Take Your Time

Consider your answers carefully. Don’t rush through every question.


You may interview for roles like the ones below:

Management Trainee Customer Service Maintenance
Machine Operator Financial Analyst Engineering

Common Pre-Employment Tests

As part of Precision Twist Drill Co’s hiring process, candidates often complete one or more of the following assessments:

Electrician Maintenance Service
Basic Skills-General Specialized Item Sets Personality/Job Fit

Company Details

Company Address: 301 Industrial Rd

City: Crystal Lake

State: IL

Postal Code: 60012

Phone Number: 8154592040


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Computer Equipment

SIC Code: 3545