Are you looking to learn about what it takes to land a job at Specialty Tires Of America? Look no further! We are here to outline everything you need to know about the recruitment process, from application, to interview, to pre-employment assessment.

How to Apply

Applying for a job at Specialty Tires Of America can be a daunting process. You have to fill out an online application, write a cover letter, and craft a résumé. Make sure that you explicitly state the job name that you are applying to, and that you make a strong case for why your talents make you suited to this position.


If you make in to an interview, make sure you know what to expect. An interview at Specialty Tires Of America will like be proceeded by a short phone interview. When taking the phone interview call, find a quiet place and find a pen and paper to write down any relevant details. If you pass this interview you will likely be invited to an in person interview. Prepare for the interview in advance by reviewing Plastics Products interview questions.

Pre-Employment Test

With each passing year it is becoming increasingly more popular for employers to use online assessment screeners. The purpose of these tests is to evaluate your abilities and aptitude to complete the position adequately. Employers learned that evaluating employees before hiring them, saves time and money in the long run.

  • How did your job change while you held it?
  • How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?
  • Do you have a geographic preference? Why?
  • Describe the best job you’ve ever had.
  • How could you have improved your career progress?

List of Popular Jobs at Specialty Tires Of America

Which jobs can you apply for at [business}?

R&D Business Analyst Human Resources Administrator
Administrative Assistant Financial Analyst Customer Service Manager

Assessments at Specialty Tires Of America

It is quite common for Specialty Tires Of America to use the following pre-employment test:

Dispatcher Specialized Item Sets Promotional Tests
Entry-Level Tests Supplements Police Technician

Company Details

Company Address: 1600 Washington St

City: Indiana

State: PA

Postal Code: 15701

Phone Number: 7243499010


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products

SIC Code: 3089