We can help you secure your next job at Takasago International. Learn about Takasago International’s hiring process and how to increase your odds of getting hired by crafting a great résumé, acing interviews, and excelling at assessments.

Application Process at Takasago International

When you are applying for a job, you want to make sure that your application stands out in the crowd. The best way to do this is to create a short résumé that is tailored to the specific job for which you are applying and includes all of the relevant keywords.


Interviews at Takasago International are not simple. Expect to face at least one curve ball question. For example, “Tell me a funny story,” or “What era would you like to have been born in?” The interviewer is evaluating your reaction time and the way you formulate your response.

Hiring Pre-Employment Assessment

If you’re actively looking for a job, you’re likely to encounter run into at least one assessment before getting hired. Assessments vary depending on the position, but the most popular tests are personality tests and cognitive ability tests.


  • Managing Difficult People
  • Team work
  • Nonverbal communication


  • Too honest
  • Creativity
  • Providing too much detail in reports

Most Popular Positions at Takasago International

These positions are often open at Takasago International:

R&D Business Analyst Human Resources Administrator
Administrative Assistant Financial Analyst Customer Service Manager

List of Hiring Assessments

Candidates often must take one of the following pre-employment tests:

Police Technician Specialized Item Sets Personality/Job Fit
Correctional Tests Supplements Promotional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 4 Volvo Dr

City: Rockleigh

State: NJ

Postal Code: 07647

Phone Number: 2017679003

Website: www.takasago.com

Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Allied and Chemical Products

SIC Code: 2844