Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what a hiring manager would ask you in your next job interview? Here you can find tips and tricks for TCM Precast & Masonry’s application and interviews, including answers to frequently asked interview questions.

Application Process at TCM Precast & Masonry

When you are applying for a job, you want to make sure that your application stands out in the crowd. The best way to do this is to create a short résumé that is tailored to the specific job for which you are applying and includes all of the relevant keywords.


The interview process at TCM Precast & Masonry will begin with a short telephone interview. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy to take notes during this portion. Ensure you are in a quiet space without any distractions. If you pass this portion they will invite you in for an in-person interview. Dress appropriately, and bring a hard copy of your résumé and cover letter.

Pre-Employment Test

With each passing year it is becoming increasingly more popular for employers to use online assessment screeners. The purpose of these tests is to evaluate your abilities and aptitude to complete the position adequately. Employers learned that evaluating employees before hiring them, saves time and money in the long run.

Interview Questions & Answers

If TCM Precast & Masonry consider that you are a potential candidate for the position, you will be invited to attend an interview.

  • If you were interviewing someone for this position, what traits would you look for?
  • If you needed someone to assist you in your job, what tasks would you assign them?
  • What do you see yourself doing within the first 30 days of this job?
  • Describe the most rewarding experience of your career thus far.
  • What specific goals other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next ten years?

Some Popular Jobs at TCM Precast & Masonry

Many applicants are applying to jobs like these:

Site Manager Financial Analyst Concrete Laborers
Project Assistant General Laborer Field Engineer

List of Hiring Assessments

It is quite common for TCM Precast & Masonry to use the following pre-employment test:

Entry-Level Automotive Mechanic Mechanical Personality/Job Fit
Maintenance Specialized Item Sets Basic Skills-General

Company Details

Company Address: 858 E Impala Ave

City: Mesa

State: AZ

Postal Code: 85204

Phone Number: 4808921662


Industry: Consturction

Sub-industry: Construction – Special Trade Contractors

SIC Code: 1741