Do you want to get hired by Manning Correctional School? Understanding the hiring process will help you figure out how to make yourself stand out as a candidate. Here you can learn about Manning Correctional School’s application process, interviews, and pre-employment assessments.

Apply for the Position

Are you excited because you have found a great job to apply for? Always design a new résumé and cover letter for each new job application, and b sure to include the keywords that Manning Correctional School mentions in the job description.


Manning Correctional School has an intensive hiring process. The details may vary depending on the position you are applying for, and it may take as little as a week and up to a few months. You can prepare for Manning Correctional School’s hiring process by learning about Manning Correctional School’s history and values, thinking of examples that demonstrate your work-related strengths, and working on your interview skills.

Online Psychometric Assessments

 Some companies test applicants for employment to determine if the candidate is a good match for their job vacancies. 

Manning Correctional School Interview Pointers

These tips will help you ace the hiring process at Manning Correctional School.

Be on Time

Leave yourself plenty of time to get to your interview. Ideally, you should arrive 10-15 minutes early. Don’t arrive too early, because your interviewer will not be ready to receive you. And it goes without saying—don’t be late!

Be Kind

Don’t be cold to the administrative staff. The interview starts when you walk through the door.

List of various positions

Take a look at some of the positions available at Manning Correctional School

Legislative Analyst White House Chef Pharmacist
Government Affairs Specialist Firefighter Recreational Therapist

List of Hiring Tests

These are some of the most popular pre-employment tests used by Manning Correctional School:

Assessment Tools Police Technician Correctional Tests
Entry-Level Tests Excel Personality/Job Fit

Company Details

Company Address: 502 Beckman Rd

City: Columbia

State: SC

Postal Code: 29203

Phone Number: 8039357248


Industry: Public Administration

Sub-industry: Public Order, Safety and Justice

SIC Code: 9223