Looking for a new job at San Diego Wholesale Electric? We’re here to help. Here you can find everything that you need to know about San Diego Wholesale Electric’s recruitment practices, including the application, interviews, and assessments that are all part of the hiring process.

Submit your Online Application

San Diego Wholesale Electric is looking to see what you have accomplished in past jobs and what you can bring to their company. Write a success-oriented résumé that provides concrete examples of challenges that you have overcome and how you have contributed to your past employers. This is the best way to ensure that your application will be approved.


San Diego Wholesale Electric’s hiring process usually involves a short telephone interview to verify the information you provided in your résumé. At your face-to-face interview, you will be asked a number of questions relating to your job experience, relevant skills, and career goals. You may have more than one interview with the same manager, different hiring managers, or human resources managers.

Online Hiring Screeners

At any point during your job application at San Diego Wholesale Electric, you may be contacted and asked to complete an assessment test. No matter the test, don’t worry—there are plenty of study materials online.

  • What would your last boss say about your work performance?
  • Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
  • Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
  • What five adjectives describe you best?
  • Why do you want to leave your current company?


Learn more about the variuous different positions at San Diego Wholesale Electric

Administrative Assistant Packaging Engineer Manager
Customer Service Manager Customer Service Assistant R&D

These Are San Diego Wholesale Electric’s Most Popular Pre-Employment Tests

You might need to take any of the following hiring screeners:

Entry-Level Tests Personality/Job Fit Promotional Tests
Police Technician Supplements Dispatcher

Company Details

Company Address: 3951 Oceanic Pl

City: Oceanside

State: CA

Postal Code: 92056

Phone Number: 7609664500


Industry: Wholesale Trade

Sub-industry: Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods

SIC Code: 5063